Appeal, Wihtout a Formal Board


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Has anyone filed an appeal, without a formal board? I had to do this for one simple administrative change...
I filed an appeal while I was waiting my formal board date. I was trying to go from UNFIT to FIT. You can submit request with evidence to your lawyer and request that be viewed. They will determine if it would be excepted or not (depending what outcome you are looking for). I submitted mine and within 48 hrs I received the memo stating they excepted my evidence and granted my appeal without having to appear at the FPEB.
Yes, I submitted my evidence, which is pretty clear, to the lawyer who then sent it to the PEBLO. They were trying to do an administrative correction, but my PEBLO failed to take any initiative to push the PEB. My appeal is without a formal board, so I assumed this wouldn't be as long... Been 20 days thus far. The lawyer stated that this will take 60 days or more, which I think is crap for one simple change. The issue I am requesting change, which I think was an error or typo on the DoD side, is that the VA has my PTSD rated at 50%, but DoD only gave me 30%. From what I understand is DoD rates your unfitting rating's that prevent you from staying in the same as the VA...Thank you for the info. It seems like the Navy's PEBLOs are much better then the Army's.