Both limited FLEXION and EXTENSION for left and right knee..can I be rated with 2 codes?


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Hello all,

I have finished my MEB, have moved on to the PEB and am waiting for my ratings to come back.

I have a 30 degree limitation of both flexion and extension for my left and right knee. Has one been rated under both codes or does anyone have the same situation? Is it possible to be rated under 2 different codes for an issue like a knee?

Limitation of Motion of the Knee

Code 5261: If the knee is not frozen, but is limited in extension and cannot straighten all the way, then it is rated under this code. If the leg can only straighten to within 45° of being completely straight, then it is rated 50%. If it can straighten to 30°, it is rated 40%. To 20°, it is rated 30%. To 15°, it is rated 20%, To 10°, it is rated 10%, and to 5°, it is rated 0%.

Code 5260: If the knee can straighten, but cannot bend all the way, then it is rated under this code. If the knee can only bend to 15°, then it is rated 30%. If it can bend to 30°, it is rated 20%. To 45°, it is rated 10%, and anything 60° or more is rated 0%.

Now if the knee can move, but cannot either bend all the way or straighten all the way, then it can be rated TWICE—once under code 5261, and once under code 5260.