Navy reserve medical retirement questions......


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A little bit about my situation I am currently in the Navy reserve as a Chief (E-7). I have 10 years active duty service and 5 years in the reserve. I was rated by the VA at 80% for service related injuries sustained during my 10 years of active duty service. My condition has since degraded further and will most likely preclude me from service in the reserve. I'm currently TMPQ in the reserves and waiting on my MRR package to come back with direction on whether I can stay in or be separated. I am not clear on what happens after this. Can anyone fill me in on what happens next and answer these specific questions.

What is the process from the MRR?

Can I be medically retired via PEB?

Is there a minimum amount years for medically retired?

What will happen to my previous 80% disability rating from the VA? Will it be reconsidered? Can it be increased or decreased?

Will I have to redo everything in my previous VA claim.... i.e. all the paperwork and doctor visits?

Will I receive a percentage of my retirement in addition to VA disability? Will I only get one? Or will I just get the boot and left at 80%.