Upcoming FPEB- Ft. Sam Houston


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I have my formal board on 14 September, and trying to see if anyone can tell me what to expect. Here is a little history: I was found unfit for a cervical spine injury and left upper extremity radiculopathy, with 2 failed fusions. First surgery was in 2015, second in 2016, found unfit August 2016. I had an old back injury from Afghanistan that has always been bad, but while dealing with my neck I never got my back treated. Well, I finally had an MRI in January of this year of my low back, which shows 3 herniated disks, and my nerve study shows damaged to two nerves in my leg. I am trying to get my low back added as unfitting; however the IPEB denied it as I did not receive enough treatment and was never on a permanent profile for my back. Well, with the restrictions for my neck, it was never necessary to get a separate profile for my back, now that is hurting my case. I have documentation from my neurosurgeon that states all the restrictions that he has given me for my back are permanent, unless I can have surgery, which the MEB has denied on 3 occasions.
Basically I am trying to find out if I have a chance of getting my back added as unfitting and what to expect at the formal board.