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Articles about social and non-military related issues.
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Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year!! I am looking forward to an exciting year, both personally, and for the PEB FORUM! I will be posting several updates soon about emerging issues with the Military DES! I have recently grappled with a few cases concerning the use of "negative evidence" (the MEBs/PEBs/BCMRs claiming that there is insufficient evidence on a point, when case law in the Federal Circuit limits the use of negative evidence), incomplete and inaccurate MEBs that the PEBs use to justify lowball ratings, the failure to revise profiles after the VA exams and ratings indicate a high degree of disability, and several other issues of interest to those in the DES/IDES! I hope all are enjoying a relaxing and peaceful holiday and I look forward to seeing you here in the New Year!!

Memorial Day 2023

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I hope everyone has taken a moment to reflect on the sacrifices of our Brothers and Sisters who have given the ultimate sacrifice in military service to our Great Nation. I also hope that you all have enjoyed the day. To me, the day is best served by taking time to honor the fallen and also to enjoy what their service has given us- the Freedom that we enjoy and the fruits of a country that allows us so much. Godspeed fallen warriors. Your service is never forgotten! I will be posting more in the near future about initiatives to help Wounded Warriors and to fix the problems they so often face. Memorial-Day-Wreath.jpg
Happy Veterans Day 2021
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I hope everyone had a Happy Veterans Day 2021 and took time to enjoy the day and reflect on both their own service, the service of those still in uniform, and the common sacrifices that are shared among us in this very special group. My young daughters asked me this morning about the day (they had the day off), so it was good explaining to them what the day is about and the meaning of service. Even more special, I was able to speak with my son who is in Kuwait and is getting ready to return CONUS after his tour in Afghanistan. Thank you my fellow Veterans for your service and a special thanks to those still serving. Its an honor to count you all as my brothers and sisters.
Manu Ginobili (Give me some Grandpa Juice)
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Manu is killing it this year for the Spurs! At 40 years old, he is having a great year and is a contender for the All Star game.

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