Thanks as always for your participation and being part of this PEB FORUM community! I have gone through a lot of work to update the site over the past few months. Let me explain a bit. First, when I say "update," it truly is an update. The forum software is
Xenforo. (A great software for forums!) The Xenforo platform is what have used for the past several years. It is, in my estimation, the best out there. That said, it has taken a long (or maybe more accurately, a Loooooooonggggggggg) time for me to and the various pieces (software platform, hosting, add-ons, etc., etc., and probably others) to get things working the way I hoped and expected. Along the way, I have had to spend a lot of money to not only maintain but to try to advance the site. To date, I am not really satisfied with the results over the last year or so....but, I am pleased with recent developments). Additionally, I have changed hosting providers, have increased the site's...