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  • Good morning,

    I am an active duty marine officer that was referred for a medboard for unspecified psychosis by one psych. I immediately switched psychs, but the one prior had already submitted me for the DES. Due to this I still have to be boarded. My new psych has deemed me fit for duty and went as far as to call the board to try to get the board pulled back. She couldn’t at that point. My question is, what are my chances of being found fit with all the information as stated above? I have three different psychs saying I’m fit for duty and two that do not. I am also aware that diagnosis is a severe mental health diagnosis and in my humble (not a doctor) opinion is it’s misdiagnosed.
    Hi @Eric77

    Sorry for the slow reply: I didn't even know this was a part of the website until this morning. TBH, with this many cooks in the kitchen it would be irresponsible of me to venture an opinion without reviewing your mental health records. I don't want you to think I'm merely kicking the can down the road, but the more MH providers weigh in the harder the decision will be for anyone to determine fit or unfit. That said, the PEB is, on the whole, risk averse and will err on the side of caution 9 times out of ten. I simply want to convey that you need a set strategy going forward. All the back and forth in the past needs to get focused.

    Because it would be irresponsible of me to give legal advice on a public forum, please feel free to send me your name, email, and phone number to schedule a case consultation.


    Managing Partner, Joel Pettit Law
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