Estimates for CRSC are provided in the CRSC forum, not the profile page. Go to
Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC) <---LINK Use RED POST THREAD button
CRSC Estimate
The following is needed for someone to compute your CRSC:
Accurate information needed within one reply:
1.--Average high three for basic pay (total of the highest 36 months of pay divided by 36)
As an alternative (and better) cite the gross retired pay on the most recent DFAS RAS.1a Indicate which you are furnishing (i.e., the gross retired pay from the recent RAS or the average high three).
Example reply: The Gross retired pay on my DFAS RAS is $2900.
Example Reply 2: The total of my highest 36 months of pay divided by 36 is $3600.
1a.--Did you receive a DoD disability retirement?
Example reply: I did receive a DoD disability retirement.
2.--DoD disability percentage
Example reply: My DOD disability retirement percentage was 70%.
3. --Active duty years and months (
or active duty equivalent for RC members which is total creditable points divided by 360).
Your retirement orders will show your active duty equivalent on page one, about 3/4 down the first page as “Disability Retirement”.
Example reply: My active duty equivalent shown on my retirement orders was: 9 years and 8 months
4. --VA compensation (
All of the following):
a. percentage;
Example reply: My VA Compensation percentage is 80%.
b. amount;
Example reply: The amount of my VA compensation is $1900.
c. dependents by category
and ages of dependent children.;
Example reply: My dependents for VA compensation are spouse and 2 children under 18.
d. Also provide information pertaining to any SMCs you receive.
Example reply: I receive SMC-K.
5.--Projected or approved CRSC percentage by your service.
Example reply: My approved CRSC percentage is 70%.
6.--Whether you qualify for another type of retirement . Cite the type of other retirement for which you qualify such as reserve component at age 60.
Example reply: I also qualify for a reserve retirement.
7.--Did you receive a REDUX/CSB payment? If REDUX was received, then all the info (amounts and description) on page one of your DFAS RAS is needed in addition to other info requested. Please show a description for each item.
Example reply: I did not receive REDUX/CSB.
8.--Did you accept the Blended Retirement program option?
Example reply: Yes I was under the blended retirement program.