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  • As I stated earlier, your age group, i.e. a "younger person," works against a finding of disability, under the statute.
    Do you know any place that will have me work only 3 days a week? That is about all I can work with weekly blood tests, counseling, and infusions. This year I burnt up all my leave and before I was let go, my last 2 months... I worked to pay back my leave balance. I haven't been paid since June.
    Your education will be found to support a finding that you are able to do "other work in the national economy."
    I need some insight into the ugly belly that is SSD appeals. As it stands, even the VA sees that I am not able to return to work without significant retraining and that is if my medical condition improves so I won't be able to work for at least a year or two. Voc Rehab is looking closer to 3 or 4 years. I have a bachelor's that is a paper weight. BS in psychology from University of Phoenix.
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