Wollman v. United States

Wollman v. United States 2014-10-02

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This is recent case in the Court of Federal Claims dealing with compensability for conditions. The Army originally found the Plaintiff's condition to be non-compensable. After lengthy administrative appeals, judicial appeals, review of the case on remand, and motions, the Court found that the Plaintiff's condition of Ankylosing Spondylitis was compensable and, necessarily, in the line of duty.

Note, that I represented Mr. Wollman in this case. Therefore, my comments may be limited as this case is still ongoing (mainly dealing with the amount of compensation due the Plaintiff).
Jason Perry
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A fairly simple explanation of the GOVERNMENTS burden when claiming a contention EPTS and was not aggravated by service.
Great read on EPTS, service aggrivation and spurring judicial review of BCMR decisions. Timeline to get even this level of justice is however discouraging.