
  1. D

    CRSC Advice

    Good day, I am looking for advice or insight from anyone in a similar situation. I submitted my CRSC application to the Department of the Navy on 11-2023. I was told they normally take 16 months to decide on your application, and I recently emailed them for an update; they stated in December...
  2. D

    Active Duty AF - Asthma/Back Timeline

    Hello all, This forum has been invaluable in giving me excellent information and advice in the MEB process. It has been a long time coming for me but I am finally in the process myself and will be documenting my case here. I’ll keep this thread updated with my timeline to assist others in...
  3. M

    What percentage can I expect from a methacholine challenge test?

    Pretty much I have less than 6 months left on my contract before I HYT and was going to start skill bridge in a few weeks. Long story short I got diagnosed with asthma about a month ago and my PCM said I might have to go through a meb. I looked at my profile and it was updated 2 weeks ago and it...
  4. F


    Hello. I’m in the early stages of the IDES process. I have a question about prescriptions. I have severe asthma that is controlled only with daily prednisone. I have notes from an allergist and pulmonologist saying that daily prednisone is needed and that they are prescribing the prednisone. Are...
  5. T

    IRILO process

    Good morning, Active duty AF, very fit and avid runner, returned home from deployment a little over a year ago and now can't go up stairs without inhaler. I've been on a profile for over a year and my PCM informed me that I was now a code 37 because of an "asthma" diagnosis (still not sure its...
  6. Provis

    Bronchial Asthma 2023-12-09

    Purpose: To provide general information for Soldiers who have been diagnosed withBronchial Asthma and are going through the Army Integrated Disability EvaluationSystem (IDES) process.
  7. B

    MEB For Asthma

    Hello! I’m currently going through a MEB. I’m Air Force. I just recently got a nebulizer to help with my asthma attacks. I wouldn’t call my asthma “controlled” yet. Does anyone know if the AF will decide not to retain me? Or what are the chances? I’m currently on breo ellipta daily, singulair...
  8. C

    What test will the MEB board go off of for my asthma?

    Sorry if this has been asked often, I'm not too good at browsing forums. Today I took my PFT pre/post inhaler use. One was 34% while the post was 52%. Flight doctor referred me to a specialist and mentioned a likely MEB. He also prescribed me a Flovent to replace my Albuterol. My question is...
  9. S

    Asthma profile/ waiver

    I was diagnosed with asthma in 2020 and have been seeing an pulmonologist since. I am on Flovent dikus 500/50 and albuterol and just found out that I should be on a permanent profile. I have a note from my pulmonologist saying that I should not be running or wearing any respirators or gas mask...
  10. S

    What's considered a daily Bronchodilator therapy?

    Based on: FEV-1 of 56- to 70-percent predicted, or; FEV-1/FVC of 56 to 70 percent, or; daily inhalational or oral bronchodilator therapy, or; inhalational anti-inflammatory medication. 30% Is Singulair considered a daily bronchodilator if taken daily?
  11. C

    CRSC Burn Pits

    I deployed to Ali Air Base, Iraq in 2006. I would sometimes work in close proximity to the burn pit. I started having respiratory issues after this deployment and was diagnosed with asthma in 2015. After I was med boarded I applied for CRSC for my asthma rated at 30% in 2018. It was denied. The...
  12. N

    Moderate-Severe Persistent Asthma, LIMDU/MEB questions

    Hey everyone! I’ve found a ton of good stuff on here by searching around but I still have a few questions on what’s to come… To start off here is some background information, I am a Corpsman with an operational unit who is not married. I just recently moved to LIMDU status after battling a...
  13. L

    Unfitting conditions and DOD ratings for Navy PEB

    Have any Navy members here been referred for any of the following unfitting conditions (and if so, what was your final outcome with DOD rating): -Chronic Urticaria (Xolair prescribed) -Asthma (daily use of inhaler) -Chronic insomnia (prescription) -Hashimoto Thyroiditis -Chronic Anemia...
  14. F

    Aircrew Waiver Guide Question: Asthma

    Hi all, I have a question regarding aircrew waivers. I am at a standstill and my flight docs are not helpful, so I figured I’ll ask the group. I have asthma and allergies and I currently and taking immunotherapy for my allergies. I also am taking advair and albuterol for my asthma: diagnosed...
  15. M

    Fibromyalgia AF Timeline

    I am an AD AF individual with a little over 3 years service. Long backstory to all of medical information, but I was on a profile for over 2 years due to an injury that happened on duty. Originally, I was being MEB'd for this by the DAWG, but they changed my MEB to be for my diagnosis of...
  16. B

    Likely meb coming up, need advise

    I am likely to be facing another meb soon (rtd last time with c-2). Basic info: Upper respiratory issue, can't run, use inhalers. First meb, I was only rated on the condition that prevented me from running. Have been on walk profile since. In addition to the rated condition, the more serious...
  17. A

    Shaw AFB/Fort Gordon Timeline

    07NOV19: Unit PA changed permanent profile for asthma from P2 to P3. 12NOV19: P3 profile received second signature. 13NOV19: MEB was initiated with referred condition of asthma. Met with PEBLO on Fort Jackson. 19NOV19: Conducted telephonic Pre-legal brief. 20NOV19: Received VA brief on...
  18. I

    MEB process started for asthma

    I just had an MEB initiated for asthma. I am at over 15 years and feel like I am about to be completely railroaded as I think they will only bring me back at 10%, screwing me out of retirement and leaving me jobless at the upper end of my thirties. Some background - My PCM thought I may have...
  19. B

    IPEB Recommended TDRL For 60% Rated Asthma

    Hi, I recently went through an MEB in the Air Force and was found unfit for duty and recommended for TDRL with 60% rating for asthma. I was really hoping it would be PDRL and my PEBLO seemed shocked as well that it wasn’t. I requested a Formal Board in order to change it from TDRL to PDRL. Do I...
  20. U

    MEB at 12 years in. Multiple issues on RILO. Please advise!

    Good Evening Team, I had two questions. My RILO just was submitted to AFPC with following conditions: Asthma, bi-lateral labral tears of hip w/necrosis of femoral head and bilateral knee issues on the package. First: should i be worried for a separation with the new guidance from secdef on...