
  1. P

    Is 100% DOD worth the fight?

    Got a proposed rating of 80% and PDRL from TDRL IPEB 1.5 years in - pulled it off myfss site so idk how valid it is as I havent gotten official notification. 70% MDD, 30% Chrons - basically no change from day they TDRL'd me. Thing is VA reevaluated me as 100% MDD/PTSD last Fall and arguably my...
  2. P

    Updated GI rating criteria 2024

    Seeking some information on what does the criteria mean by toxicity when it comes to Chrons/UC(tachycardia, anemia etc.). Is it only limited to those two or is it a broader list of things? Going through TDRL reevaluation and have been in a shaky remission since separation with stint of...
  3. P

    TDRL status and VA reeval increase

    Mods Im not sure where to ask TDRL questions - please advise if wrong forum. Gist of it is I have recently got VA MH increase while on TDRL(From what I hear its not optimal in order to get the board to place you on PDRL as its "not static" condition due to change). Do AF boards typically move...
  4. R

    Given two MEB options

    I was offered to options for a MEB with either my shoulder injury (bursitis, tendonitis, torn rotator cuff) or for behavioral health (depression and anxiety). I am deciding which one would be the best option. My nurse case manager stated that there may be a chance I get 30% disability from my...
  5. P

    VA PTSD Reeval Timeline Question

    Sitting pretty on TDRL currently. VA opened up a claim for PTSD reeval and 30 days later I went through CP exam which was favorable. Now I am informed via VA tracker extension my claim is sitting in National Queue temporary jurisdiction with the RO of the place I retired from being normal...
  6. A


    Good day, USMC 6 yrs Proposed ratings: Found Unfit / TDRL DOD 70 / VA 80 Combat Related Injury Referred Conditions: - TBI (Stable) 10 - PTSD (Unstable) 50 - Migraine (Stable) 30 Does anyone have any info as to why I would be placed on TDRL instead of PDRL? I understand I have an unstable...
  7. K

    How to ask for a TDRL reconsideration to PDRL in IDES?

    Hello, I've noticed many posts saying that most MH retirements/separations are TDRL although most of that is PTSD related when they cite the CFR. If my rating comes back TDRL and I would like to submit a reconsideration for it to be PDRL, how and where do I do so? Would it be with the VARR...
  8. S

    What if your conditions are both TDRL and PDRL?

    Howdy, just doing some nightly overthinking here and ran across a question I cannot seem to find an answer to. Navy AD 9 years. I am referred to IDES for MH but getting a physical condition added. Based off the 38 CFR, my physical condition should be rated 60% by the VA, and it has been chronic...
  9. L

    Removed from TDRL without eval.

    Good evening, I was put on TDRL in 2018 through USN. I went to all appointments and two scheduled evaluations. In 2021 I received a letter that stated I was PDRL'd. I scheduled an appointment for a new retirement ID and was told I was actually not on PDRL but removed from TDRL administratively...
  10. L

    TDRL to AD options

    Hello, I'm currently placed on TDRL and I was wondering was would be the process of me going back to the navy if found fit, would I have to go back to boot camp? Would I come back as my last job or I can get to pick a new job? (I was a Pact sailor so I didn't had a job) and what would happen if...
  11. S


    I wasn’t sure where to post this but I’m starting to worry. I had my 3 year follow up for TDRL because I had leukemia. If I’m taken off TDRL, will I lose all my tricare for life benefits? I also had a seperate tricare select policy for my wife and I, will I lose that too? What else will I lose...
  12. SFStell

    Question on what I could possibly get TDRL or PDRL

    So March of 2023 my MEB began, I'm reading over my physical and mental NARSUM and near the end both say that my condition will remain the same in the next 12 months and the next 3 years as well. I am getting Medboarded for Major Depressive Disorder, Adjustment Disorder and "right knee pain" (I...
  13. P

    Condition Stability

    Greetings, after having gone though the IDES process and being on my way out to TDRL I am now questioning what does it mean that condition is "stabilized"; is there some criteria that is being looked at or definition? I am not really sure where to plug this question so please let me know if this...
  14. M

    TDRL to AD

    Hello everyone, I was recently placed on the TDRL in February of 2023. I had not wanted to get out at all however that is a different conversation. I have made leaps and bounds in terms of improvements since my separation date. My question is can I request an earlier re-evaluation in order to be...
  15. E

    TDRL Appeal

    I have a friend that is currently going through the last few stages of the MEB process. He would greatly appreciate any advice on his current situation. His question is posted below: “Any member familiar with MEB appeal/board PEB appeal process? Received my retirement confirmation and ratings...
  16. G

    How to access TDRL 6-month MH evaluation

    Hello Everyone, Originally placed on TDRL last August due to 2 stabilized conditions (Migraines/TBI and EoE) and PTSD (unstable). Original rating was 90% DoD, with both stabilized conditions carrying me far over the 30% mark. Last Thursday I had my TDRL re-evaluation. Am I able to see the...
  17. P

    70/100 TDRL Puzzled by IPEB reasoning - Need sanity check.

    Few questions I am being booted for PTSD/MDD with Ulcerative Colitis as a cherry on top. I am a little puzzled at the fact that I am placed on TDRL (I do understand most MH cases go the) but the verbiage of my NARSUM and even IPEB remarks is that the condition isnt going to improve (stable)...
  18. R


    Good day to all! I'm not sure if this post should go here but I need some feedback on some pay info that just hit me. I'm a PO2 that was placed on TDRL in 2020. VA rated at 90%. I was in for 7 years. I have been receiving my VA pay every month since discharge in June of 2020 but I also...
  19. T

    TDRL to PDRL question

    Hello all, I am new to the forum though I have been lurking for a little while to find information about TDRL cases. I also just posted this same thread on another forum in error so sorry for that. I just had a quick question about the transition from TDRL to PDRL. To give some context, I...
  20. K

    TDRL to PDRL letter reprint/resend

    Good morning, i had received my letter from i cant remember whom, stating after my recent appointment with the board that i have been placed on PDRL. I have unfortunately misplaced that letter, and was curious who i may be able to contact to get a new one printed and resent. any email or phone...