Aiforce MEB/PEB


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Registered Member
Good afternoon so i just signed all the forums with the peblo on the 8th of may how long after signing should i receive my orders a little back ground on my case i was diagnosed with eposphilic asthma February of 2022 tried all the inhalers until i was finally sent to a specialist that started me on injections and know we are here 100va 60dod of course all still proposed until i finally leave with it have been this cut and dry so far how much longer do you think I have. the only guidance i have received is it could be as soon as today and could take weeks so im just looking for your experience with it all
my timeline
diagnosed FEB 2023
started narum November 2023
commanders impact statement 3jan 2024
MSC APPT FEB 13th 2024
First C&P exam Late FEB
last C&P MAR 30th
Agreed APR 15th
va claim closed/proposed MAY 5th
PEB unfit 7th
signed the unfit on the 7th of MAY
currently waiting on orders

60% DOD 100%VA
thank you in advance for any help moving forward this forum has been a life saver for me
I am awaiting my ratings. Also boarded for eosinophilic asthma. I got my email from MyFSS on 29 April. I just talked to a VA rep and was told my claim is preparing for notification although it still shows evidence gathering on my FEV 1 wasn't bad on the DBQ (10%) range, but I am hopeful with the Fasenra injections it will be higher. I was told the PEBLO should be able to give a timeline on how long orders will take. Hopefully soon!
so if you look on your narsum itll have key words like injections and steriods and such i know i got 60% due to my injections my fev wasent bad either but i required special meds like you which increased my rating
and i keep seeing everyone saying the got an email from myfss but i never got one my peblo just called me in gave me my rating and said now it is the waiting game for my orders if you can when it says it is clossed on just call 1-800-827-1000 and they can email you your proposed
the big di
I am awaiting my ratings. Also boarded for eosinophilic asthma. I got my email from MyFSS on 29 April. I just talked to a VA rep and was told my claim is preparing for notification although it still shows evidence gathering on my FEV 1 wasn't bad on the DBQ (10%) range, but I am hopeful with the Fasenra injections it will be higher. I was told the PEBLO should be able to give a timeline on how long orders will take. Hopefully soon!
the only big diffrence is mine is every 4 weeks with no slow down yours goes to one every 8 weeks after 3 months again i dot kow your situation but based on their website that is the recommended treatment plan but besides that we are in the same boat and i got 60% so i wouldnt stress it if you ever need more help ill check this daily as well if you message me privately i can give you my contact info
the big di

the only big diffrence is mine is every 4 weeks with no slow down yours goes to one every 8 weeks after 3 months again i dot kow your situation but based on their website that is the recommended treatment plan but besides that we are in the same boat and i got 60% so i wouldnt stress it if you ever need more help ill check this daily as well if you message me privately i can give you my contact info
Fasenra is my second biologic. The first one was every month but I was getting injection site reactions. So they changed it to Fasenra every eight weeks and a Benadryl the morning of to avoid reactions, to preface I’ve had adverse vaccine reactions in the past so there’s that. My PEBLO told me my pancake was sent to AFPC on a Friday. Monday (the 29th) afternoon I got an email from MyFSS saying AFPC had received my MEB package. With everything else I got going on I am confident I should be 100% VA. Plus I’ve got 20 guard and 16 active years. Security Forces the whole time. Gonna try and get CRSC after my retirement to recoup some of the pension given up for the VA compensation but as for now just curious what my DoD % will be. Your situation puts me at ease though. If I get 60% DoD as well I’ll be very pleased.
I am AD Air Force as well. Signed my 1180 a day ahead of you 6 May. Still waiting on Retirement orders, Checking PRDA and vMPF twice daily. I saw on another thread a guy recently waited 11 calendar days for his orders… so hoping by end of week
I am AD Air Force as well. Signed my 1180 a day ahead of you 6 May. Still waiting on Retirement orders, Checking PRDA and vMPF twice daily. I saw on another thread a guy recently waited 11 calendar days for his orders… so hoping by end of week
i hope we both get ours soon then ill let you know when i get mine
It'll come faster than you know it. I received an email around midnight from myFSS to my personal & .mil saying "Welcome to TDRL." Followed by an email with my DOS to my .mil only. That's pretty much your sign that your orders are in your PRDA.

13 days between signing my 1180 & receiving them in my case.
It'll come faster than you know it. I received an email around midnight from myFSS to my personal & .mil saying "Welcome to TDRL." Followed by an email with my DOS to my .mil only. That's pretty much your sign that your orders are in your PRDA.

13 days between signing my 1180 & receiving them in my case.
Did they give you 15 days to Final out? How’d that work
Did they give you 15 days to Final out? How’d that work
The 15 days is automatically included in your DOS.
15 days + permissive (if applicable) + terminal = DOS. You're left to your own devices (at least where I am) to figure out exactly what your last day will be at work, since it's on the member to calcute how much leave they'll have by the time they actually separate. Once I did the math & figured out the dates I submitted my terminal & permissive for approval. My final out was on a Friday because my permissive started on a Monday.
I am AD Air Force as well. Signed my 1180 a day ahead of you 6 May. Still waiting on Retirement orders, Checking PRDA and vMPF twice daily. I saw on another thread a guy recently waited 11 calendar days for his orders… so hoping by end of week
Hey I got my orders today signed on the 8th
my timeline
diagnosed FEB 2023
started narum November 2023
commanders impact statement 3jan 2024
MSC APPT FEB 13th 2024
First C&P exam Late FEB
last C&P MAR 30th
Agreed APR 15th
va claim closed/proposed MAY 5th
PEB unfit 7th
signed the unfit on the 7th of MAY
currently waiting on orders

60% DOD 100%VA
thank you in advance for any help moving forward this forum has been a life saver for me
last message ill post on here probably unless someone needs help or advice reach out but i received my orders today msy 16th 2024 with a retirment date of 29 june effective 30 june 2024
So quick question...I see people get the VA% and DoD%. Lets say you accept the VA%, what purpose does the dod rating serve after accepting the va rating? Im a bit clueless in that area lol
So quick question...I see people get the VA% and DoD%. Lets say you accept the VA%, what purpose does the dod rating serve after accepting the va rating? Im a bit clueless in that area lol
The DoD rating is important when determining retirement vs separation, or how much someone gets for retirement. I am sure there’s more others can chime in with.
So quick question...I see people get the VA% and DoD%. Lets say you accept the VA%, what purpose does the dod rating serve after accepting the va rating? Im a bit clueless in that area lol
Hello @bigheadboy ,

One cannot lose by opting to receive VA comp, even if the VA is only 10%.

1. With 30% DoD, one qualifies for disability retirement AND TRICARE.

2. To receive VA comp, one must agree to waive retirement pay dollar for dollar in the amount of VA comp received.
Often, there is residual retired pay (left over from waiver); the retiree keeps it plus the VA comp.

The DoD rating is important when determining retirement vs separation, or how much someone gets for retirement. I am sure there’s more others can chime in with.
Ok awesome Thanks!
Hello @bigheadboy ,

One cannot lose by opting to receive VA comp, even if the VA is only 10%.

1. With 30% DoD, one qualifies for disability retirement AND TRICARE.

2. To receive VA comp, one must agree to waive retirement pay dollar for dollar in the amount of VA comp received.
Often, there is residual retired pay (left over from waiver); the retiree keeps it plus the VA comp.

Thank you so much for this breakdown!