Arachnoiditis and Spinal Neoplasm


PEB Forum Regular Member
I am currently preparing for my FPEB which is scheduled to take place late this month. During my last visit with my neurosurgeon he informed me that I have a condition called Arachnoiditis. The IPEB rated me under a code for damage to the sciatic nerve at 10%.

I've searched through the ratings schedule and cannot find anything that describes what I have. Does anyone with experience in this area know if I should fight to have my problem rated under something else? The closest thing I could find would be Meningitis but the rating code seems to relate more toward cerebral rather than spinal meningitis.

It is difficult to know what is the appropriate code without knowing a lot more information. It may be rated under a neuritis, or perhaps some other code. Remember, the VASRD rates on functional impairment, so if your limitations more closely approximate another code, that code may be more appropriate than sciatica.
Good news for me on this case guys.

I was rated at 60% permanent retirement by the board on Friday.

40% for cronic lower back pain (22 deg forward flexion)
40% for the lower extremity pain and weakness in my right leg.

Congratulations! Glad to hear you got a good result. Remember to get started on your VA claim, as well.

I hope we continue to see you here as your experiences can help others going through the process and transitioning. It is interesting that you got a much higher rating. Do you have an opinion about what made the difference? Did you submit a lot more medical evidence at your Formal? Or was it mainly testimony?
I think the things that helped me the most was the medical evidence that was in the package to begin with that the informal board completely ignored. Also I think that my testimony and the questionares that my family and supervisor filled out were a great help to my case.

The first thing the lawyer told me after reviewing my case was that my lumbar flexion is an automatic 40% alone regardless of the nerve damage effecting my leg. He also seemed suprised that the informal board disregarded this evidence and rated me so low.

I'm just happy that the formal board was fair and rated me approriately so that I can now start planning the rest of my life.