Commander's letter was put in after Narsum - Need help ASAP

I just received my narsum today. I was advised to appeal the narsum because my commander's statement wasn't put in until after the narsum was written. I think my commander statement will help with my physical injuries stating I am/was incapable of doing my job. But I also don't want it to interfere with my mental health conditions because those are perfectly reflected and nothing was mentioned in the commander's statement about my mental health. I only have two disqualifying conditions and those are only BH. For my physical injuries, it just says what was said in my exams. As well there is no evidence and does meet retention standards. I am basically asking if Should I appeal narsum? and/or is it worth adding more time to the process because of the commander's statement being reflected on the narsum?
A commander’s statement should not mention any disease process specifically. The commander should comment on the effect the disease has on your performance in garrison and how it would likely effect your performance in a deployment.
A commander’s statement should not mention any disease process specifically. The commander should comment on the effect the disease has on your performance in garrison and how it would likely effect your performance in a deployment.
Thank you, so is this important to add to my narsum and the PEB decision?
The NARSUM is a “narrative summary“ of your health. If you believe an UNFITTING condition was left out, then ask for the NARSUM to be independently reviewed. Mental health diagnoses may or may not be unfitting. Many MH conditions are only unfitting if the impairment in your occupational and social functioning is significantly impaired.

My psychopathology professor use to say everyone is in the book (DSM - book of mental disorders). The turning point is a how impaired you are by the disorder.