Confused - CRSC or CRDP???


PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran
I am confused as to which category I fall under, CRSC or CRDP. I am currently rated at 40% from the VA and 60% from the Army(TDRL). Both ratings are for the same two conditions and both conditions are combat related.

I am a National Guard soldier and received my VA rating before my Army rating of 60% from the PEB. I am still waiting on everything to come back from HQ PDA in Washington to make everything final. I just wanted to know if anybody could provide me any insight as to which program I would fall under. My VA diagnosis lists my conditions as combat injuries and my PEB rating lists them as combat injuries as well. I have 5 1/2 years active duty time and 7 1/2 in the National Guard. I have read the regulations, but I cant determine which one would apply to me.

If anybody has a good understanding of how the programs work your knowledge would be appreciated. I just dont want to miss out on any benefits that I am entitled to due to lack of knowledge of how the programs work.
You are eligible for CRSC. You are not eligible for CRDP under current law as you do not have 20 years or more of service and are not eligible for a non-disability retirement.
The CRSC calculation is the biggest bunch of bureaucratic bullshit I have ever seen. The spirit of the law is to concurrently allow retirees to collect their meager retirement and their meager disability compensation for their combat related injuries so that they can live on today's economy. What DoD has done with this law is a joke!! Once again, a twenty year pogue gets much more consideration than a combat veteran who was forced out because of combat related injuries. There should be no "time in service" offset, the formula should be straight-up and clear..medical retirement (based on current formula) + VA disability payment for combat related injuries = monthly compensation. How do these politicians live with themselves? 1 Trillion dollars to prop up the fatcats in the banking industry who continue to walk away from their jobs with millions in golden parachutes. Combat veterans continue to get thrown crumbs from the table. The lesson is clear: screw your country = get rich , serve your country = get screwed!!!!!!!!!!!