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I had L5-S1 fusion in May of last year. I had to push and push for my PCM to recommend MEB since I was coming up on my ETS in May of this year. Now I have no clue where I'm at in the process.....???? I know my case went to the DAWG and was approved (I guess that's what you'd call it?). I met w/ my PCM and she said she had to write a NARSUM and get it reviewed by some people and then it would be sent to AFPC. Also met w/ my PEBLO who said the same thing and that after it was sent to AFPC I would find out whether I was actually going through MEB or not. This is where I'm confused.......I thought the NARSUM was later in the process after I had been evaluated/given my ROM test???? I've been combing through this forum for a while now trying to brush up on the process as well as go through as many AFI's as I could but I have no clue what's going on.........I've also been coded 37 on my profile as of Jan 18th. I also had to sit down and fill out a 2 pg packet asking about my condition and what meds I was currently taking, a brief synapsis of why my profile limits me in my work, blah blah.....
From what you are saying it sounds like you have started the process. Don't get confused about the NARSUM. From my understanding your PCM will send an initial NARSUM recommending a medical board. The VA doctor will also send a NARSUM after your C&P exams. The fact that you have been assigned a PEBLO and spoke to him/her also tells me that you have started.

You should have to meet with a VA rep and fill out some paperwork including all of the things you are claiming for compensation. After that you should get another call scheduling the C&P exams. After that point is when the NARSUM you are thinking of will come.

Hope this helps and I didn't give any bogus info.
Air Force does it a little different than other branches. AF does PCM NARSUM in the beginning of process and amends it (if needed) later. From my experience, it goes DAWG, PCM NARSUM, MEB, AFPC, VA exams, PCM, PEB (VA if unfit). The NARSUM gets amended after the VA exams if needed.
That makes a little more sense. Thank you both