Dual Process MEB

26 years? I really hope they permit you to retire. If you've scrolled through the entirety of this post than you see how long it can take. My best guess is prepare yourself for a similar timeline. Special Actions branch will track the progress of your packet as it moves through the process.

I'll PM you some info
Just continue to have hope
Q 1. It's usually 6-10 month period before they make a decision, at least that's what is was in my case.
Q 2. Continue to go/make all of your appointments and look into VOC rehab and start planning for the afterlife
Q 3. There really no one who can speed the decision up. They have to conduct the AD HOC board and then the SECARMY has to approve the results of the board. Based on my experience and from what I'm told, cases are processed in the order they are received.
My CG, discontinued the Elimination process and chose the MEB/PEB option for me. I've recieved orders and happily retire 28 Feb
Nice!!! At least he was compassionate enough to do this. Congratulations and welcome to retirement.
Congrats on the retirement Katz. Sorry to see an Officer with such an outstanding record treated that way.