FAI right hip/ new diagnosis left

TSgt Twitch

PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran
So for those of you following my story, and for those that have any input as to ratings etc it would be greatly appreciated as i am totaly lost at this point thinking that I will probally never have a normal life again.

Since I had the total right hip replacement I figured my career is over, so I decided to go see the doctor about the clicking/mild pain in my left hip. after a long wait saw him today and here is the diagnosis

Moderate DJD, probable labral tear ( just need MRI-A to prove) probable internal derangement and capsular contracture. According to him my left hip is actually in worse shape than the right was prior to the THR and there is almost no "joint space" left. To top that off there is still a 1/2 to 3/4 length discrepancy ( right is longer than left) which is causing my pelvis to tilt which explains the now total back/neck pain and knee issues.

Due to the complications with the right hip replacement ( see other thread on how it almost killed me) he does not believe surgery is an option at this point. I am on my 3rd LIMDU before they start the MEB for my right hip. So i guess my questions are

1. If surgery isnt an option at this point, will they include the issues in the unfitting conditions since it hasnt been attempted to be "fixed" yet?

2. If I had the right hip replaced and the left hip is DJD etc is that considered BI-Lateral?

3. if the back pain is secondary to the hip(s) would it get rated as an uniftting condition by DOD or just VA ( currently judging that i have limited range of motion at around the 20% rateable amount)

4. I still have a "sportsman hernia" although smaller than before the THR the doctor documented it, but does not recommend surgery for it with the history of bleeding/nerve damage in the area, so is this rateable?

5. At what point do I just give up and decide I am disabled and stop trying to be the best NCO I can be and concentrate on healing and focusing on my family ( got our third child due in 4 weeks). I know thats kind of a rhetorical question, but because I still bust my ass at being a leader in the work center and not asking for half days/scheduling medical appts after work etc. I think I am pushing myself to hard, but my leaderhsip recognizes my work ethic and is cutting me alot of slack/leeway because of it, such as throwing out a failed pt test, letting me still be a production supervisor/shift ncoic even though i cannot work the flightline etc. I think however at this point beign seen as "useless" and stuck in a corner to await discharge would ruin me mentally, the only thing keeping me happy etc is that I am still a valued member of my unit and can feel " like a man" and interact/train/support my troops.
Im in the same boat as twitch. My bilateral situation is almost identical to his, with the exception that I was not allowed to get surgery to correct the illness/injury.
Sorry your surgery got cancelled, My pcm told me that if the hip doctor did not believe that full surgery was an option, i could put in for the MTF to MTF transfer and have the "plasties" done, but due to ops tempo the last few of those that have been submitted for various conditions have been denied. After being diagnosed with the left hip issues and now a back issue that was identified but never addressed, I put in for 6hr days, full desk duty profile to include not long term sitting/standing/driving GOV/lifting 10lbs etc. I tried for the last 8 months to not believe I am disabled/handicap, but the pain and limitations have caught up to me in a big way.
Hey, just new to the site. Trying to figure out what the military is doing to people dx'd with FAI. Some are getting surgery while on active duty either at a MTF or with a civilian contractor---some are not offered the surgery and are being boarded out with 10% disability--neither TRICARE or the VA will cover surgery. And for those of us that have this condition, even the strongest of narcotics don't work too well, or your mind is such a fog all you can do is vegetate. I really am interested in hearing from folks wqith this condition. Thanks!