I was denied PTSD because the RO said there was no Diagnosis or stressors


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I recently reopened my denial of PTSD claim as they never saw the Diagnosis that was submitted axis leve 1 PTSD by my VA Doctor the PTSD Unit in Montrose NY I was on and there Doctors who diagnosed me and the CNP Doctor who also Diagnosed me with PTSD.
Also they stated there were no stressors although I can prove that I was in a CCU camp and what happened I have several buddy letters two by shipmates stating the assault as I told them and family members.
The CNP doctor did a Mental Psych evaluation but not for PTSD yet she diagnosed me with PTSD an stated that it seemed to happen simultanuesly with my service connected Migraines and made the following statement that it is impossible for her to say with any veracity that my stressors did happen I took that to mean that she also could not say the did not happen meaning at least as likely as not also My Doctor a VA Doctor who has worked with me for ten years submitted a DBQ stating my axis level one diagnosis of PTSD and they still missed it any thought thanks....
1. Appeal the decision
2. Start gathering your case notes from you time at Montrose now.