INCAP questions.


PEB Forum Veteran
Registered Member
My unit (National Guard) has rejected my ADME packet saying that I am not eligable now because the VA is taking care of my injuries sustained while on Active Duty last year. The Army while I was on Title 10 orders reparied my foot/ankle and the unit refused to allow me to stay on orders last year. I was sent home and long story short without medical care follow up had surgery again.

My unit wants to put me on INCAP pay which I am fine with as I am going to be off work for 6 months. I am due to ETS in October this year and will be off work until Febuary. My question is will I be held in a guard status until Feb and I am cleared? Will they cut me off in October and say I am ETSing?

What are my rights under INCAP? Would I be entitled to travel to medical appointments as they are 2 1/2 hours away an approx 140 miles each way?

Thanks for the information and a great site.
i've been on INCAP since oct 2008. i had to reapply for an extension after 6 months so make sure you start hounding your unit @ least a month before your stuff runs out. it took like 2 months just to get approved. i'm assuming that you would get comp'd for travel as long as it's related to your LOD injury. if you have any questions feel free to contact me. good luck!