More PEBFORUM technical updates!

Jason Perry

Founder and Leader
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Hey PEBFORUM members!

This morning, I installed an update to the forum software.

There are a great many improvements, features, and security updates with this update. I will follow up over the next few days with further explanations. However, if you want to read more about the features in advance, you can read more on the software site.
Love the change thus far!
Hey PEBFORUM members!

This morning, I installed an update to the forum software.

There are a great many improvements, features, and security updates with this update. I will follow up over the next few days with further explanations. However, if you want to read more about the features in advance, you can read more on the software site.
Jason, a comment about your pic with Tim Duncan - I was at the Patient Administration Officer course (RC) at Ft Sam and on the first day of class a bunch of us got together and went to the game that night - it was the night against the Suns. On the way into the stadium, I had the pleasure of shaking the hand of Popovich at the door. Ever since then, they've been my second favorite team after the Celtics.