PDRB Question


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Hi All,

I was separated in 2006 from the army for TBI and rated 10%. I was rated 100% overall by VA. I was later diagnosed at 60% for back and ptsd 70% by VA.

I am planning on appealing my separation to the PDRB in hopes of being medically retired. Should I move forward and try to get retirement from PDRB with original unfitting condition of TBI? Or try to get back condition and ptsd updated to show they were disabilities I had when I separated in 06... - if so how would I get back and ptsd updated to effective date of 06? Thanks Jon
Hi All,

I was separated in 2006 from the army for TBI and rated 10%. I was rated 100% overall by VA. I was later diagnosed at 60% for back and ptsd 70% by VA.

I am planning on appealing my separation to the PDRB in hopes of being medically retired. Should I move forward and try to get retirement from PDRB with original unfitting condition of TBI? Or try to get back condition and ptsd updated to show they were disabilities I had when I separated in 06... - if so how would I get back and ptsd updated to effective date of 06? Thanks Jon

With all due respect, why are you waiting just now to appeal your DoD rating for medical retirement? Clarification is needed and welcome to PEB Forum!
With all due respect, why are you waiting just now to appeal your DoD rating for medical retirement? Clarification is needed and welcome to PEB Forum!
Life has been busy. And I was unaware of the PDRB. Any further help for questions in original post would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
I believe there is a time limit as to when you can appeal but I am not certain on the timeline. I do hope some of the users here can provide more input.
Some of your questions might be addressed at THIS LINK and FAQs <—-

Hopefully, someone who experienced the PDRB will see your post.

You might consider using the search feature on this board for “PDRB”. There have been several discussions.

Here is a listing of some PDRB threads LINK <—-

The PDBR is intended to address conditions for which you were rated as Unfit at 0, 10 or 20 percent disabling and is not intended as a vehicle to address conditions that were not found unfitting at the time of separation. The BCMR/BCNR is the vehicle for addressing those additional conditions- they have a three-year limitation period, but will review a case at their discretion if the occasion merits. Having represented individuals in these venues for many years, I will state the discretionary review BCMR./BCNR cases are typically given a very superficial review. They are winnable, but the circumstances have to be very compelling. The PDBR has rendered great decisions for many of my clients, but you really do have to show that the condition was either erroneously rated at the time of discharge based upon the evidence of record or that there were subsequent VA rating decisions that increased your rating that would show the injustice of the initial outcome. The strongest PDBR cases are those in which you can argue both points.
My TBI was rated 100% initially by VA. Haven’t laws changed for rating military disability recently? My TBI was originally erroneously rated 10% by MEB. I believe I should have been rated minimally 40%. Can anyone speak to what a severe tbi could be rated by the pdrb when I present my case here pretty soon.... thanks Jon