PTSD C&P exam


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I just received my DBQ for PTSD. During my examine, the examiner told me he thought my signs and symptoms were moderate/severe. Upon reading the results he marked box 4A. as Occupational and social impairment due to mild or transient symptoms which decrease work efficiency and ability to perform occupation tasks only during periods of significant stress, or symptoms controlled by medication. (falls under 10% criteria) however, on my symptoms the examiner marked: Depressive mood, anxiety, suspiciousness, chronic sleep impairment, mild memory loss, such as forgetting names, direction or recent events, flattened affect, disturbances of motivation and mood, difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social relationships, difficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances, including work or like setting. My question is do they specifically base ratings off of box 4A? My symptoms fall into 30%, 50%, and 70% any thoughts are appreciated. I have had this claim open since 2012 and BVA remanded it back to RO. I'm ready to be done with this headache with the VA. TIA.
If rated at 10% you can easily submit a VARR for increase. Don’t just submit the VARR based on the DBQ, also include records that show your 50 and 70% symptoms.
Thank you for the response! I'm not sure the process since the BVA remanded these 3 items for a new C&P (which I had 12/12/19) I'm not sure if it goes back to BVA or if RO gets the opportunity to issue an awarded percent. In your experience, do they generally rate at the 10% by social occupational impairment, then I'd have to file VARR? I know I have 5 symptoms in the 30% category, 3 in the 50% and 1 in the 70% that examiner has marked.
If this is a BVA remand from the legacy appeals then you have to go through the appeals again if your not happy with the rating. The remand was just for service connection the rating is a different issue where your appeal will now fall under the new appeals law. Sounds like 10-30% rating they typically won't rate higher on the symptoms list unless it's poor hygiene and suicidal and homicidal ideation. If you have a real good job and formal education tough for them to grant a higher evaluation above 50. Get a VSO to help you out.
Thanks! I haven’t received a rating yet. I was just a little taken back on what the examiner told me during c&p and then reading his recommendations. I just feel like I’m entitled to more than 10%