QUESTION? Received my TDRL orders


PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran
Hi everybody! I received my TDRL orders a few days ago to report Mar 30, 2011... it's only 30 miles away, so I'm happy about that. Well, I'm waiting on my medical records from my PCM (civilian), and I found out yesterday that they won't be ready until at least a few days after my TDRL appointment. I called the POC on my TDRL orders so I could move the appointment back a couple weeks, but she told me I didn't have to worry about all the records.... just to bring what I have.

I am hoping to be returned to duty, so the less info they have the better; there is nothing in there that would even remotely disqualify me anyway.

My question is: is this going to affect me in any way? If I don't bring all my records? I just want to make sure they won't think negatively if I don't bring my records.