TDRL 18 Month Re-Evaluation

I'm not a new member here, but it's been a while since I post last, and couldn't remember my old name.

I have a few questions though. I'm on the TDRL at 30%. They lowballed that rating, but I was told not to fight it at the time since I was "retired". Well, I have a week and a half until my 18 month point and haven't recieved any orders for my first re-evaluation. I've done research, and it says under SECNAV that by law they must re-evaluate atleast every 18 months. What happens if they do not? Are there any reprocustions on it? It's BS that if for what ever reason you cannot make it to your re-evaluation benifits are terminated on the spot, but their able to get away with their timeliness.

If they tried to lower me(which they can't unless they say I'm 0%, in the vasrd for my condition the ratings are as follows: 0,30,60, or 100%), could I fight it and use this as grounds since they didn't evaluate me within 18 months?

What are the outcomes of the re-evaluations usually? What records do I need to provide. I was talking to a buddy of mine that got medically retired a few months before me, and he didn't take any records with him(civilian, va, or SMR) and he ended up getting PDRL'd. He's got a knee problem that he was lucky to get 30%(by his own words). My condition is worse than it was before while I was active duty. SSA is giving me SSDI due to this condition. I'm still fighting for my VA benifits. Should I be worried about this PEB?
Nothing will happen if you pass the 18 months. The only important issue in this regards is that by law you can only be on TDRL for 5 years. I don't see a way that you can make any issue of them taking longer than 18 months to re-evaluate you that will help you.

Most members are finally adjudicated as stable in the first or second TDRL period. I don't think this is a very useful fact, though, because the outcome of your case is dependent on your own facts. But, if you have gotten worse and this is documented (private physician notes, VA treatment notes, recent award letters) you should not be reduced in rating. A worsening condition may indicate instability for rating purposes, so this may work to keep you on TDRL longer.

I hope it all goes well for you and please let us know any questions.
TDRL Re-evaluation scheduling:Navy specific response

1. BUPERS in Millington, TN actually cuts the orders for your TDRL reevaluation physical vice the PEB at the Navy Yard. Note- they are running several months behind right now.

2. However, you would be well-advised to touch base directly with Mr. Mayhew or Ms. Pamela Cannon at 866-827-5672 to make certain that they are aware of your current contact information. This will ensure that you do not fall through the cracks.

3. It is not uncommon for some Navy and Marine Corps members to go almost the entire five years without being re-examined. On the other hand, some go through three reviews before their cases are finalized.


Did the VA rate your condition? If so, what was the outcome?
