Yeah, this is a huge issue.
Here's an excerpt from a lawsuit I filed:
DoD Manual (“DoDM”) 1332.18, Volume 1, proscribes the process for adjudicating IDES cases. Included in the regulation is a description of the process to be followed in TDRL cases:
“10.4. TDRL REEVALUATION. VA will conduct exams and prepare rating decisions for veterans who were temporarily retired for disability in accordance with VA laws and regulations. VA will provide a copy of the most current rating and the medical evidence upon which the most current rating is based in accordance with Section 7332 of Title 38, U.S.C. If VA does not provide examination and rating information sufficient to adjudicate the veteran’s case or if the most recent VA exam is older than 18 months, the Military Department will execute required TDRL examinations and ratings in accordance with Title 38, CFR.” Id. (Emphasis added).
DoD Instruction (“DoDI”) 1332.18 states:
“9.2. TDRL RE-EVALUATION. The TDRL will be managed to meet the requirements for periodic disability examination, suspension of retired pay, and prompt removal from the TDRL pursuant to Chapter 61 of Title 10, U.S.C., including reexamining temporary retirees at least once every 18 months to determine whether there has been a change in the disability for which the member was temporarily retired. For Service members diagnosed with behavior disorders because of traumatic stress, the reexamination will be scheduled within 6 months from the date of placement on the TDRL, but completed no earlier than 90 days after placement on the TDRL.
A. Initiating the TDRL Re-evaluation Process. (1) No later than 16 months after temporarily retiring a Service member for disability or after their previous re-evaluation, the Military Department will obtain and consider available DoD medical treatment documentation, VA or veteran-provided medical treatment documentation or the disability examination that occurred within 16 months of the member being placed on the TDRL, and rating documentation.” Id. (Emphasis added).