Waiting on Resualts, L5-S1


PEB Forum Regular Member
Registered Member
Hello, I have a question reguarding my possible findings of my PEB. my diagnosis is: Low back pain, second to degenerative disk disease and history of sicatica on the left.

I had a hemilaminectomy and microdiscetomy at L5-S1
back range of motion flexion 40
extension 17
ride bending 22
left bending 22
rotation 48

I understand that they might just rate me for my spine, however I have more in my case going for me and hoping they look at them as well.

1.) I have a absent tibial H reflex on my left ankle( to include a EMG)
2.) I am taking MSCOT for pain
3.) L5-S1 are major joints?
4.) When I jump, now I land flat footed with just my left foot.
5.) straight leg raise is approx. 30 degrees (only left leg)
6.) and of course my newest MRI shows that my back is still messed up at L5-S1.

So my question is do you think I have a chance for lumbosacaral strain? I hope it is not just based of range of motion. Thank you so much