Recent content by etrauschs

  1. E

    TDRL & MDD/Bipolar

    I dug up my original findings and noticed on under "Additional Findings" they had added "12. Condition may be permanent". Could this be a good sign for PDRL once I am deemed stable or is that just a common note that is added?
  2. E

    TDRL & MDD/Bipolar

    Thank you both for your responses. I hadn't really thought about the fact that regardless of what they call the condition you are still being evaluated on the impact of the symptoms so the actually diagnosis isn't as important when the rating criteria are the same. Maybe I am just too...
  3. E

    TDRL & MDD/Bipolar

    Hello all, I have been on TDRL for nearly 3 years now with an unfitting condition of major depressive disorder recurrent currently rated at 30% (50% VA). I just received notification to schedule my second TDRL evaluation although it turns out I'm not due for another 6 months. But even so it...
  4. E

    TDRL Re-evaluation - mental health

    Here an update about how the evaluation went just in case it may be useful to someone else in the same position. The evaluation was done by a civilian psychologist which surprised me as I has expected a Navy psychiatrist. Contrary to the letter which stated the appointment would take 1 to 1.5...
  5. E

    TDRL Re-evaluation - mental health

    Thank you for reminding me that conditions caused by the original unfitting condition can still be compensated. Definitely will be something to keep in mind as all of my other mental conditions could be linked back to the original unfitting condition. I'm sure the DoD may not see it that way...
  6. E

    TDRL Re-evaluation - mental health

    Hello all, I'll just give the rundown on % and diagnoses right now to get that out of the way. 6 years enlisted in the Navy. 30% TDRL for major depressive disorder - recurrent, discharged 1/13. 70% overall VA, 50% Bi-polar NOS, agoraphobia with panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, and...
  7. E

    Rating reconsideration

    Tongza, So it took about a month for your separation orders to come through and get a date? Seems like I am about a month behind you in this whole ordeal.
  8. E

    NMCP PEB Timeline Major Depressive Disorder

    16JUN12 - First Limdu 16DEC12 - Second Limdu 22JUN12 - Refered to MEB 03JUL12 - MSC appointment VA claims filed 13JUL12 - VA exams, physical and mental health 03AUG12 - Signed package 21AUG12 - Notified by PEBLO found Unfit, Ebenefits still says Review of Evidence 10SEP12 - Findings came back...
  9. E

    Rating reconsideration

    Tongza, did you get your separation date yet, if so what did they give you? I'm hoping to get my rating reconsideration back soon as it has been over a month and am trying to estimate how much longer I will be waiting for an separation date.
  10. E

    My Timeline

    As you can probably tell from looking at the other timelines there is no good way to estimate how long it will take. You can check your status on ebenefits or call the VA's 800 number (1-800-827-100, options 0-2-0-1). You can also call your PEBLO like she has suggested you do but they tend to...
  11. E

    How depressed/broken do you need to be to get medically retired

    SM = service member. I've been in for 6 years. 10% seems low to me also and I contribute that to my C&P as the examiner recommended 10% (Are there mental disorder signs and symptoms that are transient or mild and decrease work efficiency and ability to perform occupational tasks only during...
  12. E

    Rating reconsideration

    Thanks for the info tonga. It definitely helps know what kind of time I may have to wait. It seems everyone was particularly hesitant to give me a timeline for the reconsideration so it's nice to at least know how long yours took.
  13. E

    NMCP PEB Timeline Major Depressive Disorder

    My jag felt that EPTS wouldn't hurt my case at all but putting as much emphasis on the SA part would be helpful. My biggest fear was that my findings would come back 0% because it was EPTS so I was ecstatic when I saw 10 (initially anyways lol). On my MEB cover sheet I have diagnosis as MDD...
  14. E

    NMCP PEB Timeline Major Depressive Disorder

    My case definitely has gone alot faster than I expected. My only thoughts are that I didn't have too many other conditions and that my referred condition did exist prior to service so with it now being diagnosed as recurrent it may have made it an easier decision. As far as the recondition I...
  15. E

    How depressed/broken do you need to be to get medically retired

    Yeah 10%. Initially I was prettye ecstatic that it wasn't 0 as my condition is diagnosed as recurrent and did exist prior to service. For some reason my C & P examiner didn't feel that I was that bad off because even though I reported severe depression and that it affected my work and social...