About to present to the board for higher rating

I just have my result back from the VA and I'm appealing the decision on my Army rating. The Army rated my back as 20%. I'm trying to appeal this rating because I also have Left and right left Lumbar radiculopathy ( claim as Sciatica nerve pain). The VA rate me 10% for Right Lumbar radiculopathy and 10% for left. My doctor is giving me an injection on my lower back next week and he said he may help the pain. Since I'm appealing do you guys think this is going to stop me from adding the right and left Lumbar radiculopathy to my Army rating???
Those two 10% ratings probably won't be considered unfitting and the back is rated from ROM what was the VA rating for the back was it 20%? that's evidence that the rating is correct.
You can get Radiculopathy added, but you need an EMG and neurology notes to get a decent case. It also needs to be presenting as unfitting by itself. It is very difficult to get it added, but it is possible. I had it added for my original Formal PEB before I was placed on TDRL. After my TDRL re-evaluation exam though they removed it. I also was in the Navy, I am not sure how the Army does things.