Letter of Release


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Is the separation date on the letter of release 90 days from the day you sign the DA Form 199? I'm being told two different things from my stateside and OCONUS Peblo.
May be others will chime in later in case I missed something, but here is my take:

My 90 day count date started from the time my case hit TRANSPROC. However, there is no set Yes or No answer to your question, due to AR 635-40, chapter 4-24 "Disposition by USAPDA" not having a specific timeline.

After asking the same question when I went through, the best answer received was: be flexible, have a plan A&B, have some adjustments on your part because the start day count down for NLT 90 can start from the day you signed the DA 199 or it can be the day you hit TRANSPROC.

Below is my timeline for comparison:

-22 SEP-signed DA 199 (demand FPEB)
-3 NOV-withdraw FPEB

Good luck

Is the separation date on the letter of release 90 days from the day you sign the DA Form 199? I'm being told two different things from my stateside and OCONUS Peblo.

After I signed my 199, it only took a couple of weeks to get my sep orders via TRANSPROC.

It appeared to me that my 90-day max sep date was most likely either the date I signed the 199, or the date my 199 was processed, approved and signed off by the higher authorities.

Others will chime in on this.
