CRSC is it worth trying for with this situation?


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PDRL at DoD 50% for PTSD
VA rating 100% TP

Based off reading the DoD 7000.14-R Determinations of combat-relatedness the injury falls under "In the Performance of Duty Under Conditions Simulating War"

630630. In the Performance of Duty Under Conditions Simulating War

In general, performance of duty under conditions simulating war covers disabilities resulting from military training, such as war games, practice alters, tactical exercises, airborne operations, leadership reactions courses, grenade and live fire weapon practice, bayonet training, hand-to-hand combat training, repelling, and negotiations of combat confidence and obstacle courses. It does not include physical training activities such as calisthenics, jogging, formation running, or supervised sport activities.

The injury happened during obstacle course.
Medical record from emergency care & treatment on base states back pain fell. Pt states was doing battalion obstacle course fell of log and fell on back. Pain scale 9/10.
I have found other medical documentation showing I was in physical therapy for this injury due to sharp burning pains in lower back and leg.

Diagnosed by the VA with the following:
Lumbosacral strain, claimed as lumbago 20%
Left leg radiculopathy, claimed as sciatica 10%

Thank you for any advice.
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Absolutely! From what you are describing, you should be able to provide a clear nexus between the injury that occurred and conditions simulating war.
How do I word this.......All I can remember about it was that during military training and while maneuvering through obstacle course I lost my balance I fell off a log, had the wind knocked out of me, I remember feeling a sharp burning back pain. While at emergency care & treatment at MCRD-USMC Recruit Depot Parris Island, SC the pain was so server that I was placed in quarters for 48 hours and sent to physical therapy. Since this incident I have always had lower back injury pain that goes down my legs.

I don't want to sound bad when describing this injury.
I just figured out where the forum for CRSC was at so I reposted it there.
It's possible dude. I'd be interested to see if it would fly!
I got a denial letter for my reconsideration of CRSC even though I provided new information. I found the ER notes and it states I was doing battalion obstacle course fell off log and fell on back and it specifically states pt has no history of back pain.



VA stuff



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I have a question I was told by my attorney that it would help to have a buddy statement and I do have a friend that was there at the time. What does a buddy statement look like? Like is there a template to it? Thanks.