IPEB Vote steps

Hi all,

If anyone could shed some light on this, I would appreciate it. I looked elsewhere in the forum and did not find an answer I understood.

I have an LDES case with the IPEB now, which is at "Vote 1". I'm not sure what that means as far as Fit/Unfit or timeline is concerned. Is there a ballpark target for a decision to be rendered? I am on paternity leave with a sick newborn and my unit is asking if there is a timeline for a Fit/Unfit decision. I don't blame them as due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a lot of scrutiny for manning/deployability/people on leave. My NARSUM was, in my opinion, very clear cut in stating why retention would be medically dangerous, and my NMA was equally forceful in in regards to the Commander's opinion that I should be separated immediately.

For timeline purposes, my case was submitted to the IPEB late February. It has been about a month at this point. I don't remember the exact day as we were in the NICU dealing with some stuff.

In short, what does "Vote 1" mean as far as an IPEB is concerned? Any help would be greatly appreciated.