One time VA Reconsideration?


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Ok I received my 199 today and noticed that they didn't rate my migraines because I didn't have the documentation from the Neurologist I had to see. The thing with that is that my appointment wasn't until 2 months after my C&P exams. I have said documentation and am wondering how long the reconsideration takes. I also got new ROM tests done because the Doc at my C&P exam didn't do them properly. In addition to those issues I have since been seen for my back and they found compressed disks in my back (L5-S1) and mild scholiosis. I just want to get out and have fairly good proposed ratings so far (70% DoD/80% VA) however would this be worth reconsidering and how long does it take? Any help would greatly be appreciated.
I am currently getting ready for the formal board. What I did prior was to appeal the proposed ratings/199. The WTB JAG (who is awesome) submitted an appeal complete with new medical documentation and even information Parker sent to me. The letter I got from the PEB Formal Board said I had no new objective medical or performance documentation. I am now getting the packet ready for the Formal, and will do a sworn statement and appear at the board to explain how some my condition affect me.

US....I have been told and live by the mantra...When in the MEB/PEB process, APPEAL EVERYTHING!!

Thanks. I spoke with a paralegal from wtb jag and he asked why I was considering a reconsideration. I told him. Basically they didn't even rate my migraines and I've been diagnosed with them from a neurologist and on a daily medication that's another 30% condition right there. I mean I already have 70%/80% tdrl but I have 3 more conditions I was rated on and new range of motion tests. Is it better to do it now or wait until you get out? How much longer does it make this process?
It is quicker if you do it now. I turned my Va reconsideration in on 12 Dec, and was told 2-3 months. So I am just waiting for the results now.
Oh I was thinking it was going to be like 6 months
I talked to my PEB JAG officer this week. The VA recon will kick the Formal Board back a few months. We are trying to get my DoD ratings higher. Since my C&P exam was BS and is over 1 1/2 years old, I was told a new ROM exam, neuropsych, etc exams will probably fly with the DoD/VA. Especially since my VA ortho guy was a POS and rated everything full ROM. What a worthless POS.
