Questio on recent PFO surgery...Awaiting PEB


Registered Member
In March of 2011 I had a TIA Stroke. I was 45 minutes from the hospital at that time. My wife was driving me to the hospital when a second TIA happened right around the corner from the hospital. Went through battery of tests to find I had small amount of brain damage deep inside the brain. I told the E.R. doctor that I had a TIA 3 years earlier that had caused small amount of damage. The doctor decided to do a sonogram where they go down the throat and do an image of the heart. The doctor found a hole in my heart (PFO). The doc believes that I threw a clot from a rotator cuff surgery (2nd consecutive) less than 3 weeks earlier. I am currently awaiting the PEB in 3 weeks. I have 18.5 years of active/traditional guard duty. I may need a 3rd shoulder surgery but will find out next month. Arthritis has set in and doesnt look to get better. My AFSC is Security Forces and my operated arm is my dominant arm. Cannot lift more than 30 lbs 2 haded (work restriction). My body is falling apart and would accept severance but have a feeling I possibly could be found fit just because close to my 20 year retirement. Anyone else have any experience or gut feeling on this matter? Would love to hear some advise. Thank you.