Questions regarding possible medical separation or medical retirement?


Registered Member
I am trying to get information on what would be our best possible outcome for the situation we are finding ourselves in. My husband is an E-4 in the Navy currently, he has been in since April 2007. He has had 3 hip surgeries, and is going for a back surgery consult on the 5th of August. He also has hearing loss. Will a case manager be automatically assigned to him or does he have to request one? From what I have read and understand is if you are rated UNDER 30% it is separation, if you are rated 30%+ it is medical retirement. Is this correct and is this the way it is required to be done? Or can they admin sep him?? Any info helps! :confused:
A MEB/PEB will be initiated if your husband receives a P3 or P4 permanent profile. Then a PEBLO (case manager) will automatically be assigned to him. They will explain the entire process and take him through it step by step. And yes, 20% or below and you receive severance and thats it. A 30% or above rating and he is medically retired ie. check for rest of his life and full medical, access to post, etc. Good luck!