Unsure of PEBLO’s information


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Hi all. I’m honestly freaking out a bit. Long story short my Form Letter 4 said the “big AF” wants to do a full MEB for my mental health/asthma. I met with my PEBLO and asked if this means I’m getting separated or the process is just starting. She said multiple times it means I’m getting out. I also signed some form saying I chose the IDES option instead of the LDES. I keep seeing posts that say they make the final decision after you do your VA exams. I already told supervision I’m getting out since she said three times she’s absolutely sure this means I’m getting out. Any help is appreciated with this. (I see her tomorrow to review medical records, but I thought I’d just ask in the mean time)
Your PEBLO is way ahead of the game! The process is long and deliberative. First the formal MEB must recommend you to the PEB. The PEB alone can determine if you will be retained, separated or retired. She may be right in the end, but it is NOT her call.
Some advice you may find helpful, remember the PEBLO is not your advocate, just an administrator. With an MEB process, I suggest having a goal for yourself to make your case: do you want to get out or stay in? Fit versus unfit. If you want to be found fit, I would have supervisors and co-workers put in writing how they feel you efficiently demonstrate your duties. Having solid non-medical evidence to bring to your doctor's appointments will help your case. There is much to be said about when you attend your C&P exams, but that depends on your goal.