
PEB Forum Regular Member
PEB Forum Veteran
I am considering appealing my case to the AFBCMR. Here is some background:
I was medically retired on May 21 2008 after the long MEB process with a 40% rating. I got 20% for Degenerative Disc Disease of lumbar and cervical spine (5243 and 20% for Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (7913). I have just gotten back the results from the VA and I got an 80% rating from them with 40% for my Lower back and 20% for the Diabetes. They also gave me 20% for a neck injury that the board did not consider because the Doctor did not write down how the degrees were measured.

What I am thinking is asking the BCMR to change my rating from 40% to 60% based on the VA findings. An additional 20% for the DDD and add the 20% for Neck strain/arthritis.

My questions are have any of you done this? Were you successful? What are my chances?

Thanks ahead of time for any help

I don't have that answer, someone else will surely chime in...

However, were you on TDRL and did you go to Perm Retirement?

Thank you...
Thank you. That's great for you, and its good to hear that on "our" end...those of us on TDRL with back issues.

Back issues are rated everywhere across the you can see from being rated one way from DoD and another from the VA.

I really wish I did have answers for you...either way, you will be able to get additional pay from the VA right? And that won't be taxed??(guessing)

The great thing is you are golden to keep your benefits. Fantastic.

Good luck and lets see what our experts have to say.

Take care.
Did you ever have any luck with your application to the BCMR?