FAI - worried about PEB “fit” rating


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I’ve had a hip FAI (impingement) which has progressively gotten worse. I’ve had hip injuries for years and it wasn’t diagnosed until January this year. They’ve tried P2 profiles but I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t even wear body armor. I’m a combat arms officer with 4 years of time in service so I’d think not being able to wear load bearing equipment or do any aerobic ACFT events, deadlift, etc. would make me unfit. My MEB said I’m unfit but the C&P exam (I believe incorrectly because I can barely lift my leg for stairs) said my ROM is 90 degrees which is the limit for ROM for hip flexion per retention standards. I’m worried since I’m on staff or because I’m about to be a CPT they may try to find me fit anyway. I’m talking to legal but there’s only so much they can do. Is there anything I can do to alleviate my concerns of being found fit because of some weird technicality? The unfit from MEB was attributed to being unable to carry 40 pounds 100 ft or wear load bearing equipment. They chanced the P3 profile to reflect this and added no Aerobic events.

Should I do a personal statement? I’m more worried about getting out to stop the pain than getting some VA rating.