Condition Stability

Greetings, after having gone though the IDES process and being on my way out to TDRL I am now questioning what does it mean that condition is "stabilized"; is there some criteria that is being looked at or definition? I am not really sure where to plug this question so please let me know if this is a wrong subforum for this. I also did try to search for similar threads but didnt really get anywhere either on Google or here.

Medical definition of stabilization I found is essentially getting you out of life threatening state after which you start getting treatment, possibly a cure. Couple of examples of my dilemma I can come up with is Ulcerative Colitis - its an incurable condition with only way of stabilizing it is removing the colon(not always a cure); otherwise you cant predict flares and how/when it would get worse - if my logic is true, UC could be indefinitely unstable by nature. I may be okay on oral meds now, but tomorrow could require injections or a surgery.

Another example, albeit weaker one, is mental health. There is no known cures yet for it and all there is for it is treatment. Some people respond to the treatments and get better(with chance of relapse) others end up battling demons into their grave despite the pills and electroshock therapies(ECT). Is the point of law mandated TDRL to see if person does better outside of military then nullify their benefits or RTD?

Last contemplation is what if I am sick or symptomatic for whole 3 years of TDRL but get better few years after either being PDRL/separated or vice versa; VA accounts for it by sliding the disability scales while DoD only looks at you for up to 3 years before making lifelong decision. I suppose I am really lost what does stability means in that case as pertaining to reevaluations while on TDRL. Is TDRL is mere set of data points for DoD to see if military itself is what got you all sick or you're broken forever irrespective of the environment?